Healthy Lifestyle

5 Ways to Handle Daily Stress


Every day of our lives, stressful things bombard us from all angles. No matter if it’s car problems, situations with co-workers or loss of finances – it’s all stress. It can even be as minor as forgetting to pick up clothes from the cleaners or not buying your child’s favorite cereal.

While stress in all forms comes in an out of our lives each day, it’s really how we look at the situation to see how it will affect us – short- and long-term. In helping deal with stress, here are 5 insightful ways to handle stress.

What’s stressing you out – Although it may seem like many things are coming at your from all angles, often it’s just one major trait that is manifesting itself in several ways. Maybe it’s chronic lateness or procrastination that makes you detect stress from friends, your coworkers and your family. Think about what may be the source of your stress and deal with it.

What can you actually control – You can’t control how people behave, but you can control how you’ll react to their behavior. You can’t control your low wages or not getting a raise when you deserve it, but you can control how wisely you spend what you have. Identify what you can control and release the worry about things you can’t change at the moment.

Do things you love – Even if your work or family cause you stress, find something you like to do that brings you joy. It will give you something to look forward to and help you work out your problems while you’re engaging in this activity. Maybe it’s gardening, or basketball or bowling. If you’re not sure what you might like, go to your local community center or gym and sign up for a class – think out of the box and stretch your limits.

Trim it down – If you’re always stressed for time, think about what you can eliminate from your life that others might not even notice. Maybe you’re involved in too many charities or you’re driving your kids to too many activities. Maybe you spend too much time cleaning or cooking elaborate meals. Wherever you feel like you can purge activities to give yourself some much needed down time, try eliminating them for a few days and see if it changes your situation.

Take care of yourself – During stressful times, your body can get worn down and make you more susceptible to disease or illnesses. Make sure you’re getting a good amount of sleep – 7 to 9 hours per night – eating a balanced diet of protein, fats and complex carbohydrates, and exercising, even if that only includes walking a few minutes around the block or taking a yoga or dance class.

If these tips have been helpful, consider sharing them with a family member or friends who seem to have too much stress in their lives.


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