The Wise Guide to Aging

7 Guidelines for Healthy Aerobic Exercise

Want to get more aerobic exercise but are worried about overdoing it? Whether you are an experienced athlete or a newbie, simple guidelines can make your aerobic routine safe and effective.

  1. Always warm up before you get into the full swing of aerobic activity. The best warm-up is a slowed-down version of the activity you are about to perform. For example, walk, run, or cycle in slow motion. You will see many people stretching as a warm-up, but this does not prepare muscles for aerobic exercise as well as slow movement does.
  2. Give yourself a few minutes of cool-down at the end of the activity. Repeat the same movements in slow motion. This post-workout period is also the best time to stretch the muscles if you desire.
  3. If you have never exercised, get a medical checkup before you start an exercise program. If you have a history of heart trouble or high blood pressure or a strong family history of such problems, a cardiac stress test may be in order.
  4. Pay attention to your body! Discontinue exercise if you develop unusual aches or pains.
  5. Stop exercising immediately if you develop dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting, chest pains, or difficulty breathing. Get a medical checkup promptly.
  6. Your heart rate and breathing should return to normal within five to 10 minutes after the end of aerobic exercise. If they do not, get a medical checkup.
  7. Do not exercise if you are sick. Wait until you feel better, then resume gradually. Don't worry about losing fitness; it will come back quickly enough. Strenuous exercise at the onset of illness can cause you to be sicker longer.
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