Living Well with Chronic Conditions

Reduce Stress to Control Blood Sugar and Diabetes Complications

Stress is a part of daily life -- sometimes we have more, sometimes less. For people with diabetes, stress has the added effect of potentially wreaking havoc on blood sugar. Here are a few strategies to put into action to better control your stress.

By Suzanne Hall

Stress and Your Body

When you're under stress, your body fights back by producing extra energy in the form of glucose, which can cause blood sugar levels to rise as well as your blood pressure. Real health problems can result for people with diabetes. By managing your stress in healthy ways, you not only prevent some diabetes complications but also improve your mental and emotional well-being.

Short-term rises in blood sugar usually aren't harmful, but ongoing stress can be, especially when people react by forgetting to exercise, take their medication, or take care of themselves.

Fortunately, there are ways to reduce and cope with stress.

9 Stress Busters

  1. Exercise.
  2. Take five slow, deep breaths.
  3. Do a few simple stretches or yoga poses.
  4. Get 7-9 hours of sleep each night.
  5. Cuddle with your spouse, child, or pet.
  6. Take time to do something you really enjoy.
  7. Talk it out with a friend, counselor, or diabetes educator.
  8. Write your thoughts, good and bad, in a journal.
  9. Think about something happy or funny.

From Diabetic Living

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